2023年1月21日 星期六


我們知道未知對你來說可能看起來很可怕,但這只是因為你已經習慣於不相信那些出於某種原因尚未踏入自己真正力量並且無法將自己視為有能力的合作夥伴的未知 -創作者。因為他們有被剝奪權力的經歷,所以他們總是在尋找錯誤的地方以及可能對他們構成威脅的地方,他們認為他們在做正確的事情,教你以同樣的方式接近未知。

We understand that the unknown can seem scary to you but that’s only because you’ve been conditioned to distrust the unknown by those who, for whatever reason, had not yet stepped into their own authentic power and couldn’t see themselves as empowered co-creators. Because they were having an experience of being disempowered, they were always on the lookout for what was wrong and what might be a threat to them and they thought they were doing the right thing teaching you to approach the unknown in the same way.


But you are far more conscious than that! You understand that the universe only wishes to expand your experience of self and meet you in your focus and your desires. So we propose this. Now that you know better than that, why not start to think of the unknown as a magnificent treasure chest that holds magic and wonder and all kinds of potentials you had no idea existed?


Your open-heartedness will always set you on far more satisfying paths of discovery than your distrust and trepidation ever could. Just as you never have to be afraid of opening a package that arrives on your doorstep because you know exactly what you ordered, you don’t have to fear your future if you know you are choosing to co-create it by playing in energies that only bring you somewhere better. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


