2024年6月9日 星期日



Our wish for you is that every human being on the planet will realize their innate power and will begin to live life, not as something you must bear that happens to you, but as a beautiful work of creation.


The new age that humanity is entering is designed to make that more obvious, with manifestation happening in record time, as well as deep energetic shifts to release the illusion of separation and victim consciousness. As the awakening human being accepts his or her authentic power and evolves beyond individual survival into a being that works as part of a greater, supportive whole, the changes you seek will become part of your reality.

這是一個光榮的時刻,親愛的一們! 珍惜轉變的每一秒,因為你已經為此付出了辛勤的努力,也將得到它帶來的許多回報。

It is a glorious time, Dear Ones! Cherish every second of your shift, for you have worked hard for it and the many rewards it will bring.

傳訊:Shelley Young

