2024年5月21日 星期二


存在/懶惰、觀察/評判、自我意識/自私、能量清晰/自我保護…這些元素之間的差異可能很難理解。讓我們幫你輕鬆搞定。 一個連接,另一個就分開。

Beingness/laziness, observation/judgement, self awareness/selfishness, energetic clarity/self protection…the difference between these elements can be difficult to understand. Let us make it easy for you. Once connects, the other separates.


Dear Ones, the days of separation are over. You are now moving forward, understanding that you are all part of a greater whole. By looking at things through this new filter, you will have a much greater understanding of how to proceed. You will easily see which aspects and practices support unity consciousness, and what you can finally let go of, once and for all.

傳訊:Shelley Young

