2023年7月2日 星期日



Is a rose plant a failure because it hasn’t bloomed yet? Of course not! You realize every step of its growth has purpose and supports all that is to come. It is the same with you. Whether you consider yourself a seedling, a bud, or in full bloom, you are divinely perfect in whatever stage of beingness you are in. We urge you to start to see that all the phases of your evolution are beautiful and necessary and show your growth and progress. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Your ego self, which works through the mind, is the part of you that likes to think it knows the speed at which things should be unfolding. It is also the part of you that can trick you into thinking things are somehow wrong. Your soul self, which works through your heart, is calm, centred, and confident, and can see the bigger picture. So if you find yourself in doubt and self judgement, at the very least take the time to connect and listen to your heart, too. Then decide which information is most supportive of your journey and most qualified to lead you. After all, a fair person will take the time to listen to all points of view before they can decide the truth of any situation. Doesn’t it make sense to do the same for yourself? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

