Report: For severaldays I notice, that I receive dreams of self-healing, and that Imeet human Beings after a long time, with which I shared at leastone painful event in the past. In the dreams I see myself in oldworking places and in situations familiar to me – which repeatexactly just like at that time, yet in its outcome are conciliatoryand peaceful. In everyday life human Beings, which I meet after along time, remind me of conflicts, which I carried out with them,in order to a. ) forgive and b.) within me – make peace with thosehuman Beings and with the situations. Also in my closestenvironment old dramas are redeemed and healed at this time. (Endof report)
Beloved Ones, God'srepresentatives in this world! Before the veil lifts entirely andopens the view toward the boundless eternal All-That-Is, it iscalled for “curtain down” for those painful experiences andreminders out of time.
自我療癒的相遇 Encounters ofSelf-Healing
The gift of completehealing of their deeply seated pains is now handed over to thelight warriors of the first and last hours, whereby in the mirrorof your life, you see life itself. Whatever needs healing will nowbe healed, whatever demands God's blessings, it will be granted,what is low in light will be filled with Light, and out of lack oflove grows Love.In dreams andin daily life situations, the ascending ones now experienceencounters, which they do not remember anymoreand go back for along time; they experience these in order to heal entirely andcompletely.
These are the smallinnumerable deep injuries, which were once torn into your souls,and which did not let you come into your full power – untilnow.
This time is gone,because the ascending ones have overcome the pains of time, thewounds of the soul and the shackles of fear – and are liberatedfrom all suffering.
These healings arenow being given and you only need to recognize them as such, beyondthat there is nothing more to do.
仁慈和原諒 Kindness andForgiveness
Exercise forgiveness,exercise kindness and foremost: Make peace with every situation andwith every human Being, which let you experience pain, injustice oreven hate. Deepen the condition of inner peace and you will attainbliss even before the veil of ignorance has been entirely lifted,and before God's Light transforms your life from the bottomup.
From now on transforminto “Gods of Forgiveness”.Gods of Love, who fully accept theirexperiences in space-time as sacred opportunities for growth,because the time of pain and injustice has been stripped off fromyou. If you encounter a human Being, who has caused you pain,inflicted suffering or has dumped hate all over you, then know,this renewed encounter fulfills the one purpose today: to saygoodbye in peace to human Beings and situations.
This time requiresyour conscious farewell from this world, because the departure fromthis matrix fulfills itself, as you uproot the rules of the game ofthis world from your Being, and overcome the way of thinking ofthis loveless reality. Recognize in these encounters from the pastthe potential for healing and you directly enter into Heaven.Thepictures of your dreams also pursue the purpose of healing. Whathas happened is over and on those, who ascend, nothing transientwill stay attached, because history dissolves and what remains areonly the light traces, which will be left behind in thisworld.
Beloved children ofGod,Who we all are! Days unveil their value, hours unleash theirstrength, and instances reveal their magic.Recognize how the Lightfrom Heaven touches you, because thereby you shall enter into theeternal Kingdom of Peace, into the Kingdom of the omnipresentLove.
離開鬥爭的舞台 Leaving the Arena ofthe Fight
Forgive your“enemies” and dissolve your attachments.Leave the “arena of thefight”!Forgive the knowing and the unknowing, the dumb ones and thesmart ones, the calculating ones and the innocent ones. All, whohave ever inflicted damage, pain and suffering on you in thisworld, need to be encountered in these days with the “sword offorgiveness”. And it is the sword of the green divine ray, thegreen divine Light, which accelerate your self-healings andcomplete them.
The “sword offorgiveness” and the “sword of distinction”, the green divine flameof healing and the blue divine flame of clear and unmistakabledecisions, are the instruments, which the light warriors of thefirst and last hours should utilize with determination. Becausetruly:
Every light swordfrom God brings great peace, where it separates what does notbelong to each other, or it joins together what has been separatedin space-time due to turns in fate. The dark will be released from yourhearts, whereby you courageously face the last encounters from thepast; thenany separation will be overcome and there is peace withinyou.
Look here youchildren of humanity! Mother Earth rises up, and she does itwithout bitterness, in peace and whereby all beings are forgiven,which have inflicted suffering on her or have mistreated her. Dolikewise, and leave this stage of transience with a loving heart, so that all and everything is forgiven.
Go, go, go – and youwill arrive.In you and with you,So that your arrival in Heaven mayfulfill itself.In God is all, out of God all emerges and throughGod all becomes real.
Time retains Life andthe pain from the past will be taken from all human Beings; and thesuffering of time will be effectively removed; because wounds ofyour soul, from time and space, will now be healed and the woundsclose for eternity.
…whereupon for youthe great journey ends and you return home into theLight.