2014年6月26日 星期四

耶穌20140618 此刻你存在於地球上並不是偶然,意外或者只是碰巧


You are inthe final phases of your awakening process. Asall the channels keep telling you, your awakening isimminent! Let your deep inner faith shine throughand intensify your will to wake up. God wants itto happen, here in the spiritual realms so do we, and so mostcertainly do all of you, and, as we keep telling you, it isinevitable, unavoidable, and divinely decreed.


Some ofyou are having difficulty keeping your Light clear and undimmed asyou get caught up in compassionate anxiety, even fear, for all whoare presently suffering grievously in the many zones of conflictand abject poverty around the world. That is whyyou must keep your Light burning brightly. It isthe brightness of your collective Light that is bringing in theessential changes in attitudes and behaviors that will dissolvewithin all all that is in any way unloving.


Your presence onEarth at this time is not fortuitous, accidental, or just plainchance, it is as a direct result of your holy will aligning withGod's to bring your Light to every corner of Earth to scatter anddispel the dark that has been occluding the Light for solong . Look to the alternate and independent mediachannels to find reports of the increasing brightness of the Lightamong humanity that is spreading, inspiring, and uplifting thosewho had nearly lost hope.


TheLight of God's eternal andinfinite Love for you all can no longer be dimmed or hidden, therejust is not enough darkness available, and what remains isshrinking daily. This is an issue on which themainstream media constantly misleads you, as it focuses always ondoom and gloom. Engage daily with your ownextremely powerful Light, and look for and see the same Lightshining in others regardless of any egoic masks they may be stillusing to shield themselves from the Light of Love that envelopsthem and all of humanity. There is no possibilityof escape from It, and all are in the process of learning this asthey see that all that the dark would keep hidden is being bathedin the brilliance of Its ever-presentillumination. The dark has nowhere to hide as theLight bursts through every chink, crack, and cleft in the fortressit is fruitlessly attempting to repair and rebuild as it crumblesirretrievably away.


So, to repeat, youare all eternal and invincible beings of Light. You always have been and you always will be because that is how youwere created – to live in eternal joy as inseparable aspects of theOneness that is All That Is, God, the Source of all that now existsand will forever exist.


Acknowledge the Light withinyou. It is eternally present there awaiting youracknowledgment and acceptance through your individual free willchoice. When you chose to engage in the game ofseparation you chose to veil your Light to make the game seem moreenthralling, more real. When you choose once moreto acknowledge your brilliant inner Light, your personal sense ofworth, of value, of your right to exist will be enormously enhancedand you will begin to recognize yourselves once more as you trulyare, namely inseparable and infinitely loved aspects of God, fullyentitled by Him to an eternal and joy-filled life.


All yourearthly cultures and religions have been fabricated by those whochose to be members of an “elite” among you, so that they could establish ahierarchy that would answer to them and which they could then useto control you by convincing you that you were valueless andinadequate beings whose duty was to serve them. And you still have those controlled hierarchies established by the“elite” – the police, the military, the politicians, the religions,the corporations – where people are still tr​​ained to walk on orintimidate those “below” them in the hierarchy in order to obtaintheir unquestioning obedience, and at the same time to fawnadmiringly on those “above” them, but their days arenumbered.


Byacknowledging your Light, and by allowing It to shine forth throughyou as you behave and intend to behave lovingly at all times and inevery situation, It will dispel the darkness in which you have beenenveloped for eons. Enlightenment, yourawakening, will not be prevented because it is impossible to makethe unreal real, let alone have it last interminably to hide fromyou your true nature. The nightmare is nowending, as always divinely intended, because you have at lastchosen to release yourselves from it and once more experience yourtrue and divine nature in eternal bliss with God.


Make apoint of acknowledging the Light in everyone with whom you interactin any way at all by being open, trusting, accepting,compassionate, and, of course, loving. This doesnot mean telling people this, or proselytizing, it just means thatyou quietly and determinedly be yourself, your true divine andloving self, and allow the intense energy of that state to flowfreely through you and out into your immediateenvironment. As you become more accustomed toliving like this your immediate environment will expand and so willthe effect you have upon it. This is how the darkis being dispelled, and it is all of you who are dispellingit.


Light isall that exists! The dark is illusory, conceivedof and then envisaged into being to add interest, fear, excitement,and an apparent reality to the illusion that you built toexperience the thrill of separation from God, whom you momentarilythought was unnecessary, a Being superior to you from Whom youwanted to free yourselves. Of course it could notwork because there is only the One, and because of His eternal Lovefor you, and because He sees your pain and suffering, He constantlycalls lovingly to you to assist in your inevitableawakening.


Listento His Call to you, that quiet inner Voice that reminds you thatlife should be a far more exhilarating and enjoyable experiencethan the one you are currently undergoing. Respond enthusiastically to It, then feel His constant Love foryou, and intend to share It indiscriminately with all of humankind,regardless of any evil it appears to you that anyone of them or anygroup of them may have caused or still be instigating for thissimple reason: You are all eternally One in God!

你珍愛的兄長,耶穌   Your loving brother,Jesus.


通靈:John Smallman  翻譯:Nick Chan

