As you move through the next cycle of days, remember topraise and reward yourselves often for staying on task and forwalking this Earth. Each of you has a very important part to playin the unfolding of the Divine Plan and your presence is necessary.Each of you is loved and surrounded by more guides and angels thanever before. We speak to you and are delighted when you hear us andrespond. This will be a more common occurrence as this yearunfolds. You will be in clear communication with more of yourhigher aspects also and this will be a definite boon for you, yourloved ones and the world around you. The guidance you receive comesto help you and those who are in your sphere of influence andactivity with the next step forward as they become ready. Do notfeel reticent to repeat what you receive from us if it is words ofguidance and advice for those in your vicinity. The words you speakto them may be just what the recipients need to know to help themalong their path of unfoldment and what you tell them could be thevery answer, guidance or clue that they have beenseeking.
Asyou do this, let it be in a detached manner so that you do notbecome emotionally attached to the outcome and import of themessage you share. Remember that you are simply the conduit, themessenger, and as you say the words, your part in that moment isaccomplished. If the recipients of your words seem to not hear whatyou tell them, just be in trust that they are receiving what theyneed and leave it at that. The higher levels of consciousness wantto communicate in a more direct and profound way to those in theircare and guidance and it will be through ones such as you that theywill do it. Speak the words that come to you with love and kindnessand let the recipients decide how and if they give credence to whathas come forth through you. This is a loving and important serviceto those around you and one that will, for the most part, begratefully received.
All souls upon the Earth are now seeking for answers toquestions that they never knew they had until these now moments.Suddenly, a whole new perspective has come into their awareness andthere is much for them to sort through and internalize. Yourassistance will be greatly appreciated even if you never hear thedirect feedback from these ones. The words you speak to them willbe the balm to soothe their troubled spirit. When we have calledyou our ambassadors in previous messages, this is what we meant.The world needs your love, kindness, goodwill and patience now morethan ever before and you have all been in training to become adeptat giving service in this manner. We could say that you can neverbe accused of sleeping on the job, because in truth, you are atwork even during your sleep state.
The multidimensional aspects of your being have alwaysbeen at work, for there is no requirement for the need to rest aspeople on Earth require it. Because of this, you can ask each dayto receive assistance in your ascension process in whatever way ismost desired and needed by you. Your higher aspects and godsanctioned guides will immediately begin to bring the guidance andanswers to you but you must be open to receive the answers inwhatever way they come to you and act on what you are given. Thismight require patience and perseverance on your part to become moreobservant of the time lag between your request and the appearanceof the guidance you have sought but if you are diligent, you willbecome increasingly aware of and grateful for, the understandingthat you truly never walk alone.
We, your Family of Light, desire to help you to releaseall the blockages that keep you from moving to a higher level ofconsciousness and we can work with you day and night to help youunderstand what you need to do to move forward. The energies thatare flowing from the cosmos are unrelentingly shining greater andmore intense light waves on all upon the planet and when the lightcomes, it always expedites a release of well established patternsof thought and behavior that are ready to be transmuted to a higherperception and the reclamation of your divinity. Most of you havebeen getting the understanding that you truly are of divineessence, each and everyone of you. As you reclaim that state ofbeing, you also assist to open the way for those who now awaken totheir own soul journey and will seek to find the answers on thepaths that you have trodden. This has ever been the case - thosewho discover freedom from the wheel of birth and death and wholiberate themselves, turn to lend a hand to their brothers andsisters so that all may be free.
Until next week… I AM Hilarion