Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased and honoured we are tobe with you today. What a magnificent showing of souls, willing tocome and anchor the energies for all to benefit from. You areblessed and honoured in your role today, and, of course, when wetalk about those who have come to participate in the group, we meannot only those who are in the room at this time, but also those whowill be enjoying this transmission on your internet at a latertime.
May we wish you a blessed and joyous solstice. You havedone magnificently. Because you have shifted and purged and sodiligently transmuted energies, you are now containing light codesthat would not have been possible at any other time on your planet.That is how profound what you have accomplished over this past yearhas been.
You are almost energetically unrecognizable from thistime last year. In just one short year of your linear time, youhave evolved so much! It is absolutely remarkable what you haveaccomplished and we are so thrilled and excited for each and everyone of you. So take a moment to congratulate yourselves on a jobvery well done.
As you move forward into your celebrations of Christmas,or other holiday celebrations regardless of what your belief systemmay be, your focus will be all about celebrating and connectingwith love, giving with generosity, appreciation, joy and unity. Asyou move through this very pivotal point , you are saving all of theprogress that you have created in yourselves. You have created it.You are the ones who have shown up and done the work. You haveelected to come into the body and be of service during thisunprecedented time on your planet. These are yourjust rewards. So celebrate!
Many of you are so hard on yourselves and you think youare never doing enough. Please, Dear Ones, celebrate! Enjoy whatyou have created! The celebration is well deserved. Yes, we aresaying that this is a time you can rest on your laurels for just alittle while.
So as you lock in your progress, as you shift again withthe influx of Christed energies on your planet over your holidayseason, and as you shift again into the energies of a brand newyear, you will be poised to start truly reaping the benefits of allof your hard work.
So all of the purging and letting go, all of theshifting, all of the healing that you have been going through, (andwe chuckle when our partner in transmission talks about how sheshould be flat as a pancake because she has been through thewringer so many times ) has been in preparation for this. Now thatyou have emptied out what was no longer your authentic self, youhave made room to truly start to embody your divine truth, toembody your Christed selves, to enter into the energies ofunconditional love. Do you see? You have finally given yourselvespermission to love yourselves unconditionally and to feel that lovebe reflected right back to you.
You have made all of this room and created all thesechanges within your bodies to contain higher and higher energies,and from that work you have created the space to embody what youwish to experience more of. It can be no other way. What you hold, what you contain now, can only be reflected back to you. And thatis why, Dear Ones, you can look forward to 2014 being your year ofbalanced relationships. Does this not sound like a welcome shiftfor you?
So what does that mean? What does The Year of BalancedRelationships mean? It means that you are letting go of being outof balance in any way within yourselves. Many of you have swungwildly in your relationships with others from being too entangledto not being entangled at all . Many of you have been working hardto find balance in terms of service, how to be of appropriateservice and truly help others by uplifting and empowering them.With your wisdom, you have been learning how to know when to assistand when to accept and allow.
Many of you have just learned how to receive rather thanjust give. Many of you are finally discovering that your needs andwellness are equally important as those who you are on the planetto serve. You will be of service, and you will joyfully allowothers to be of service to you. You are stepping, most importantly,into understanding your importance as a divine being and anintegral part of the ebb and flow of the whole.
Many of you have learned how to accept yourselves asspiritual beings having a human experience. Many of you went frombeing completely separate and human to trying to live completely inthe ethers and now you are becoming a delightful blend of both. Youwill also embody more balance by listening to your own innatedivine wisdom from within, as well as acknowledging your guidancefrom above.
You are finding balance in your physical bodies byletting go of what doesn't work for you any longer. So what many ofyou have found coming up to the solstice is a lot of your oldunresolved habits or issues coming up to the forefront and you havefound them to be completely intolerable to you. What a wonderfulsign of how much growth you have attained!
You are no longer trying to make change because you knowit is right or good for you. That is attempting to change from themind. You are now operating from your hearts and things that do nothonour you any longer simply do not fit. It is not a matter ofmaking changes because you should, it is making changes because theold ways are completely unacceptable at this point and they do notmatch who you are any longer.
That is exactly what you have been waiting for! Fromembracing your divine blueprint, your body will be balancing andexperiencing healing as well. So now that you know what is just nolonger an option for you, you can start looking forward to yourfuture and creating what you want.
What do balanced relationships look like to you? Theywill honour you. They will uplift you. They will celebrate you andsupport you being in your authenticity and your continued growthand expansion. You will be stepping into the dance of love,understanding that what you hold you draw, what you give youreceive. It is like becoming part of the pulse of your planet,taking in, giving out, in beautiful balance, understanding thatwhat serves the one serves the whole, and what serves the wholeserves the one. Beautiful balance, Dear Ones!
You will be letting go of your own victim consciousnessand your tendency to support the victim consciousness of others,understanding that each person has a team of helpers and a universethat is assisting them. You will acknowledge that they are powerfulcreators themselves and by honouring them in that , you will onlybring greater balance to your life and give them the opportunity tofind their own balance in their lives as well.
The relationships that you have had that held no joy, noappreciation are a thing of the past. You will find yourselveseffortlessly drawing in friendships that are based on supportingeach other rather than one giving and one taking all the time. Fairweather friends will no longer appeal. You may settle for havingfewer friends, but the friends that you embrace will have a fargreater energetic resonance to you and will be joyful, encouragingand uplifting.
Since you have worked so hard with your definition ofdifferent relationships right across the board, you will now findthat your love relationships will shift profoundly. For many of youthis will mean bringing in a divine other. Many first wave humanbeings of light have been living very solitary existences. Thiswill change in the year of 2014 because you are ready. You areready to give and to take, to love and to receive. You understandthat living through the heart is the way to navigate.
Balanced relationships mean that you can enter intosurrender and flow and see that reflected back to you. You haveworked hard in your faith and your trust and because of that youwill be secure that the relationships that come to you are a trueand magnificent reflection of who you are and you will leave yourold relationship baggage behind once and for all.
Once you have done the work there would be no point incontinuing the difficult love relationship themes that you've had.They no longer serve a purpose for you. You can releaseabandonment, release fear, release betrayal, release conditionallove. Those are old energies. You will be seeking out partners ofsimilar levels of integrity – true energetic matches that make yourheart sing and vibrate in harmony together. These will beconnections like you have never experienced before.
You will also be experiencing deeper connections withyour environment, nature, all living creatures, your belovedplanet, with all the planets, with the entire universe. These arethings that you have never experienced this profoundly in the bodybefore. You will be shimmering with energetic brilliance and seeingthe divinity in each and every molecule around you.
This is what you've been working for. These are thedivine times that you have been promised. You simply have to lookaround with new eyes to see. You have earned this, you have createdthis, you have anchored this. It is your time to shine! It is timeto live heart-centered lives of joy, grace, ease, satisfaction,unconditional love and unity and to allow yourselves to step intobeing the masters that you all are.
It is your time. 2014 is yours, Dear Ones. You get tochoose what you do with it. You can create anew. The canvas is infront of you and we cannot wait to see the brilliance that you willpaint upon it. This is our fondest wish and message for you today.It has been our great pleasure.
大天使加百列通過Shelley Young傳導
Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young
謝謝給予答案.....越來越喜歡讀取此類訊息, 也更明白與體悟.
回覆刪除更有時被看穿...哈! 正想也做對方的提升成長的角色.
對於...愛......尚有不解......溺愛? 可嗎? 縱容之愛?...
回覆刪除不懂????? 何為先?? 給予人類應有的道德. ...為何是吸引是
無道德的. 私心的.,,,,,是團隊push成長....為何. 一切幻相. 明明真實在眼前. 對人類角色...是逃避? 接受當下是人...雖有神性需喚起....當下是人. 需負責人該盡的責任.......還是粗淺的階段..需多瞭解....需再洗腦....