2021年10月25日 星期一



Dear Ones, we are always available to you, to assist, guide, and encourage you forward. You do not need to have the skill of spirit communication in order to receive our help. All that is required is a heartfelt request and a willingness to receive. Then simply allow yourself to be guided and use your conscious awareness to watch for the signs and synchronicities that point the way. Is it time for you to take the action step of actively working with us and begin to utilize the help that has always been there waiting for you? It would be both an honour and a privilege for us to begin that partnership with you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



We wish to remind you that when you move back into forward movement after a long period of rest and review, movement toward your creations will often be a series of starts and stops. This does not mean anything is wrong, it simply means that you are utilizing both parts of the flow for your creation. Just because there is a break between contractions doesn’t mean the baby isn’t coming! Stay true to your goals, be willing to adjust them if new information or elements come in, and take a higher perspective to see the overall model of progress. You are in transformational times and you cannot transform without movement and expansion or the rest periods that keep the process sustainable, so it is safe to fully trust whatever is being supported in any now moment. In fact, doing so keeps you out of the old energy of resistance which makes you so much easier to guide into the discovery of your most heartfelt dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

