2020年8月25日 星期二



Water in a river goes around a stone, it does not stay and push against the obstacle. Another wonderful thing happens as the water decides to flow beyond what does not serve its journey – the obstacle begins to erode and its sharp edges soften.


The same it is with what is unwanted with your world. You can flow past what doesn’t support your journey and as the attention to that obstacle is withdrawn, so is its strength. Keep your focus on where you wish to go, Dear Ones, and how you wish your world to be, and you will flow your way forward into the creation of the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


You cannot deny yourself and be authentic at the same time. Take the time to get to know yourself again. Come Home to yourself, with your love, acceptance, and friendship. Under all your old conditioning and self judgment there is a wonderful you just waiting to be discovered. Allow that truth to lead the way, and you will find the path you were always meant to walk. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

