2020年5月19日 星期二


位置的禮物,因為唯一受支持的事情就是一次最多地選擇“ Now”。這是在教您如何對進展感到舒適和信任,這是始終將您引向最高成果的途徑。您正在開發對於創建和發現下一階段的化身至關重要的新技能,因此,請保持專注,同時要對自己保持友善和溫柔,因為您將學習如何主要地通過內心的存在來導航。你靈魂的智慧。〜大天使加百利通過雪莉·楊

Your true power exists in the Now moment. It can be disconcerting to be in a space of not knowing, yet this is the gift of where you are right now, for the only thing that is supported is making your highest choice, one Now moment at a time. This is teaching you how to get comfortable and trust in the unfoldment, which is the path that is always leading you to your highest outcomes. You are developing new skills that are essential to the creation and discovery of the next phase of your incarnation, so keep your focus but be kind and gentle with yourselves, as well, as you learn how to navigate primarily through the presence of your heart and the wisdom of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



The last couple of months of your linear time has given you an opportunity to step forward as a loving parent for yourself. The focus has shifted to your wellness, meeting your needs, and making wise choices that serve you, your loved ones, and the whole.


While this may not seem remarkable to you, it is incredibly healing and setting you up well for the next phase of your incarnation. You are learning to identify and prioritize your needs and to give yourself the care you have needed and deserved all along. This is creating beyond the old belief systems and conditioning you had been trying to thrive under but didn’t support you at all.


Not only that, but you have been given enough time to start to anchor these new ways of being into your energetics, which means moving back into the old ways will simply not be an option because they will no longer be energetically viable. This is setting you up to move forward into the new from a much better space of balance, alignment, wisdom, and clarity, all elements that will assist you in creating lives that are much more satisfying and sustainable.


Internal growth can be difficult to gauge because it is gradual, but small consistent changes quickly add up to open you to brand new timelines, potentials, and possibilities. While many of you are aware that things have changed and will be different moving forward, you will not know the full scope of the transformation that is occurring on your planet for some time to come.


Much is being released, dismantled, reviewed, and ultimately left behind, and much is coming together to take form as the foundation of the new. The amount of energy that is being processed is monumental at this time, yet another reason why your loving self care is paramount. Let us reassure you, you are truly doing a remarkable job as transformation agents and shepherds of the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

