2020年3月13日 星期五



What we wish for you to know today is that everything is going to be ok. Whatever your challenge, whatever your worry, whatever your struggle, it is going to be ok. You are loved and guided and wiser than you know. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Both an in breath and an out breath are actions. The first is taking in, the second moving outward. The same it is with your manifestations.


The receiving part is simply being you, emanating through your beingness and your focus to draw things to you. The movement part is entering the flow, taking inspired action while keeping that focus, to expand into new discoveries.


Do you see? Manifestation is a combination of being willing to receive, as well as being willing to move forward. Both aspects are essential for you to meet the universe in the middle as an active participant in co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

