2017年7月10日 星期一



Many of you are in the process of stepping into a new phase in your incarnation. In many ways, much of what you have experienced up until this point will start to feel far removed, feeling almost like a pastlife. This is why you are seeing people suddenly changing locations, careers, their service paths, or interests.

您已經達到了一個新的精力充沛的平台,可以說是一個新的掌握程度,提出了一個問題:“你希望創造什麼樣的前進?” 他正是為什麼會出現老主題。

You have reached a new energetic platform, so to speak – a new level of mastery which begs the question, “What do you wish to create moving forward?” And this is exactly why old themes are coming up.


It is like the universe is helping you clean out your closet, as you prepare to move. It is holding up old wounds, old hurts, old patterns, asking if you would like to take them with you or let them go for good.

沒有必要激活或不安。這不是一個懲罰或一個跡象,說明你的精力充沛的工作是沒有效果的。離得很遠!這只是宇宙,幫助您簡明扼要地了解您想要的新作品 - 您的下一個激動人心的階段 - 看起來像是什麼,並有意識地意識到您與您攜帶的東西。

There is no need to get activated or upset. This is not a punishment or a sign that your energetic work has not been effective. Far from it! It is simply the universe helping you to be concise and aware about what you would like your new creation – your next exciting phase – to look like, and to be consciously aware of what you are bringing with you.


It might help you to detach from it emotionally if you could simply see it as a life review. You are reviewing, just as though you had just transitioned from the body, but you are instead staying, excited for the opportunity to move into a new phase, that for many of you will take on the feel of a brand new incarnation. Take the gift of the experiences and leave the rest behind because it is not necessary to replay the old in your new creation.

所以要準確 問問你想要什麼?你以前沒有收到,預期或接受什麼呢?你希望如何治療?什麼帶給你快樂?什麼感覺像自由和擴張?

So be precise. Ask yourself what do you want? What do you really deserve that you haven’t received, expected, or accepted for yourself before? How do you wish to be treated? What brings you joy? What feels like freedom and expansion to you?


How do you wish to express yourself energetically, and in turn, receive back? Since you are getting a ‘do-over’ what will you do differently this time around? How are you going to show up for yourself and for others? Be grateful to what is coming up for you at this time because it is giving you an opportunity to create with far greater awareness moving forward. ~Archangel Gabriel


