2015年5月28日 星期四


Make choices for greater Life, Peace and Joy,and all the forces of the Universe align themselves behind you.

摯愛的人們:  DearOnes,



This is a universe of free will. The Angels will not step in toassist without being asked. “Ask and you shall receive” was thestatement of master Jesus. So it is important to ask for thissupport in all the choices you make in your life, from moment tomoment. When you make a choice to think in a positive, instead of negativeway; when you make a choice to accept, rather than judge, thedecisions made ​​by another; when you agree to give instead ofwaiting to receive; all these choices are examples of opening yourheart and mind to receiving your highest good. When you choose thehighest good for all, you signal the available energy in theuniverse to come to your aid. Miracles will occur naturally allaround you, by your willingness to receive them. People willsuddenly begin to give to you in a different way. Synchronousevents will transpire in ways you never thought possible. This isthe natural flow of God's grace available to all who are willing towork in harmony with Divine Energy and have the forces of theuniverse align behind them.



There is a Universal Flow of energy awaiting your command. You live inthe pure potential of All That Is, a River of All Creation. Whenyou are aligned with what you want to create, and open to receive,that powerful river of creative energy will flow in the directionof your intentions. It is the natural order of life, yet it willfeel like a miracle. These results also come from willingness on your part to have yourlife be good, and to allow others to love and support you. It hasto do with knowing what you want and asking for it directly, aswell as having faith to know that there is a greater order and goodavailable to all who believe.


Soaccept that what is occurring around you in your life is areflection of what is occurring within you. Begin to make smallchoices to experience love instead of fear, to forgive the personwho has wronged you, even when the action seems unforgivable, togive thanks for what you have instead of complaining about what youdon't have, and to believe that miracles can occur in your life,when you are willing to receive them.


These shifts in attitude bring a return of greater Love,Joy and Fulfillment in your life. It all begins with you and withyour sincere willingness to allow the Angels and the UniversalPresence to come to your assistance.

Soremember your message for today:
Make choices for greater Life, Peace and Joy, and all theforces of the Universe align themselves behind you.

由ShantaGabriel於2015年5月25日傳遞  原文網址  http://thegabrielmessages.com/

