2015年5月26日 星期二

【索爾】 20150523 《平和與幸福通過成為真實的自己被找到》


Humanity's journey through the illusion has been long andarduous. You have all spent many lifetimestrying to find your way Home. As you knowfrom personal experience much suffering is undergone as you searchfor love and are betrayed or abandoned by those who you wouldrelate to with love. It often seems thatlife is not meant to be either happy or enjoyable, but more likelya path that involves much pain andsuffering. And those who lead so-called“good lives” are just as likely to suffer as anyoneelse. There appears to be little point inbehaving well for it seems to make absolutely no difference, as therewards available within the illusion often seem to be awarded to those least worthy toreceive them


The illusion is aninsane environment. It was builtcollectively to enable you to separate yourselves from your divineSource, and to access that unreal state, Love, your true nature,had to be excluded. But of course you alldesperately want to love and to be loved, and so you seek love fromone another . . . endlessly.


The illusion is truly amost confusing place in which you can never find that which you areendlessly seeking – Love –because It has been excluded, shut out. What passes for love is often behavior driven by guilt, fear, orlow self-esteem. So please know that youwere created perfect, that nothing can change that, and that yourapparent abilities and competences, or lack of them, as experiencedas you live life in the illusion are just illusorylimitations. They are but tools that youcan use to demonstrate to yourselves that the illusion is illusory,unreal.


As you have so oftenbeen told God is Love, and God contains within Himself all thatexists, all of his divine creation. Thatconcept makes absolutely no sense when you are confined within theillusion and therefore severely limited by the restrictions itplaces upon your intelligence and upon your ability to understandwhat God is in any meaningful way.


Theidea in building it was to construct something extremely limitedbecause that was the only way that apparent separation from God,from your divine Source could be achieved. Separation from God is impossible, but an imaginary or unreal placeof separation was possible, and that is what youbuilt . It is indeed a terrifying andnightmarish place or situation. Fortunately you will awaken from it! God's Love for you isutterly beyond your ability to imagine or conceive of, consequentlywhen you chose “to leave Home” He instantly provided the means foryour return, for your awakening.


All that you need do isto stop trying to find your own way because thereisn'tone. The only way Home is God's way, andyou find that by releasing your hold on fear, anger, resentment,and judgment, and by embracingforgiveness. Forgiveness is the antidoteto the illusion, the solvent in which it is dissolved, and it hasbeen available to you ever since you entered into theillusion. In Heaven, In Love, in God,there is no need for forgiveness as there is nothing to forgive,there nothing exists that is not in perfect harmony and alignmentwith Love, your natural state, the state that in truth you havenever left because there is nowhere else.


The fact that you exist proves that you are One with God,and therefore with each other. But thestate of separation you appear to inhabit insists that this not thecase, it insists that the opposite is true, that you are separate,alone, and insignificant . And so you havespent eons in confusion looking for something that cannot be foundoutside yourselves.


God is in you as you are in God. However, the nightmare that you conceived of and built, due to thelimitations that you made an essential part of it, has effectivelyplaced a veil, a curtain, or a shield between you and You, betweenyou and God, between you and Reality. Itis made of your choice to see separation as real, dangerous, andconstantly threatening your lives, and in an environment like thatthere is no room for trust, for honesty, for integrity, or forLove.


The more deeply youattempt to engage with the illusion the more real it appears to beand the more suffering and betrayal youexperience. You engage with it by judgingit, and either trying to improve it by changing it, or takingadvantage of it and seeking power overothers. It does seem to offer enormouspossibilities to those who choose to be sufficiently savage andunrestrained to attempt to control and run it as they see fit byfear and force of arms. While those of youwho pray for world peace are constantly being reminded of theintense and unjustifiable suffering that so many are undergoing allacross the world.


However, no one is in the “wrongplace!” Everyone on Earth is a dearlybeloved child of God, everyone has already received everything fromGod, and that includes free will and the freedom to choose whichpath they will follow when they incarnate as a human in theillusion . No one has been“short-changed.” This does not mean thatthe suffering that someone undergoes during an earth life is in anyway justified, or is a well-deserved punishment for misbehavior ina previous incarnation.


Everyone incarnate as ahuman on Earth has made a spiritually guided choice to embark on aseries of learning experiences best suited to their individualneeds. No one on Earth can know whyanother is following a particular path. All anyone can do, and it is the most appropriate course of actionto follow, is to offer love, honesty, and compassion to everyonewith whom they interact, and if they feel they have been hurt oroffended then to offer forgiveness.


Remember that there is a spiritual purpose in everymeeting, in every interaction, and in everyrelationship. Whether its meaning becomesapparent to you is not of great importance, the important part ofbeing human is to practice being loving, compassionate, andforgiving in every situation in which you find yourselves so thatyou learn your own lessons and let go of any aspects of yourselvesthat are unloving; aspects that are in fact unhelpful self-soughtattachments helping to hold you hostage to the illusion.


Love practiced honestlyand with integrity, as opposed to conditionally or manipulatively,brings peace, healing, and joy. Any otherform of loving is not worthy of the name, and always results inpain. If you will make the intent topractice loving behavior in all your thoughts ,words, and actions,and if you will keep reaffirming that intent, then your life willflow more easily, encouraging you to keep reaffirming thatintent. You have probably noticed thatthose who behave lovingly are generally far happier than those whoare forever finding fault, with themselves , with others, or withthe world in general. And that is becauseyour true nature is Love. Peace andhappiness are found by being your true Selves, by loving andforgiving, and by letting go of judgment, resentment, and hatred,and that, of course , is being true toYourselves. It is also your path toawakening.


Never forget that there is nothing you can do to make Godwithdraw His L​​ove from you, or in any way alter His feelings foryou. His L​​ove surrounds you in everymoment of your eternal existence. WithoutIt, and that is impossible, your existence would cease, because Itis the Source of your life. You are Onewith God, and that knowledge is to become most brilliantlymanifest, filling you with immeasurable joy.

伴隨著大量的愛,索爾  With so very much love, Saul.


通靈:John Smallman   翻譯:Nick Chan

