2014年1月23日 星期四



“I am aligned as One with theCreator; I choose conscious awareness of the Creator as my eternalexistence and experience.


With peace within my Being flows theeternal welcoming of conscious attentiveness to the Creator withinand around me.


I am the truth that I seek, I allowmyself to dissolve the pattern of seeking, I allow it to bereplaced with a connected knowingness that flows throughout everycell of my entire Being.


I recognise ​​inner Unconditional Loveborn from the breath and life of my Being as a manifestation andform of communion with the Creator.


The gift of knowingness of theCreator I readily and happily bestow upon myself as an eternal giftthat has always been mine to activate, receive, experience andexpress with ease,and will continue to be an aspect of my Beingwhichever form I take, whether on the Earth or the innerplanes.


I am that I seek, I allow myself toexist as and experience all that is my Sacred Self andEssence.”


The above words create powerfulaffirmations that denote a pathway of focus for those wishing toexperience a deeper Ascension path in this new era of creation andexperience. As you familiarise yourself with the words, theintentions, meaning and form that they take within your Being, youbecome as One with the affirmations creating a powerful surge ofmanifestation, connection, awakening and activati​​on within yourBeing.


This is your truth erupting withgreat bliss, pleasure and power, restoring to you the power thathas been taken away from you and which you have many times givenaway freely; this is the remembrance of your essence within allthat you perceive consciously and unconsciously as your SacredSelf.


Your essence is your power, it can beinterpreted through many expressions of power but it can never bediminished. Your essence which can hold many labels such as truth,soul or spirit can be limited, hindered, restricted and constrainedby you and others, sometimes intentionally, other timesinvoluntarily. Whether your remembrance of your essence and itsflow which emerges as a power both strong and gentle is limited ornot, it will always choose expansion.


Sometimes frustrations and pains canemerge as a result of the essence or soul wishing to expand morefully therefore existing as a greater aspect of the Creator. Youhave the ability and the space within your current reality toexpand your essence and truly see, sense and acknowledge itspresence within everything that you are and experience, there issimply a need to familiarise yourself with the essence within yourBeing, this will instantly allow for expansion and development ofyour truth.


Imagine a seed held within your hand,it is the essence of something large, beautiful and magnificent,but until it acquires and allows the expansion of its essence it isso tiny and could be seen as powerless. When the seed grows itspower is still the same but the power is expressed, experienced andpresent in an expansive way that allows for greater realisation ofthe essence that is held within the seed. The seed is also able torecognise ​​all that it is and holds through its expression andexpansion.


Familiarising yourself with youressence allows for expansion, continued expansion of your energyallows for greater realisation of your essence, with the ability topositively weald your power within the Divine flow, stream and willof the Creator.


Becoming familiar with words andconcepts that allow for the Divine knowingness and the powerfulessence within your Being to emerge allows for this truth which isyour truth to form with greater grounding, power and expansionwithin your Being. One could recognise ​​this grounding as confidencebut it is identification within your Being that allows for acurrent of Divine and sacred energy to floweternally.


Expansion is the eternal flow of theCreator; it can be so easily described as the increase of energy orLight with each exhaled breath, but expansion can only truly beignited when there is a familiarity and recognition of the essenceas a powerful source or form within the Being.


In this new era of creation,manifestation and experience, expansion of your essence, truth andpower (which are all the same) becomes an essential focus. Throughthe willingness and readiness of each aspects of your Being,physical and energetic, to expand, to breathe , to become free andflowing, you offer to yourself a beautiful space for creation,manifestation and sacred experiences, a foundation which is bornfrom your essence and so remains aligned with your essence; theCreator.


Dissolving barriers, boundaries,restrictions and limitations that you and others place upon youclears your consciousness to offer greater conscious focus to thebeautiful awakening that is occurring within your Being, wishing toexpand, create, manifest and experience. Barriers, boundaries,restrictions and limitations that you create in your physical lifecan manifest as deeply as restricting your soul while pastexperiences of limitations upon the soul can manifest physically asenergetic patterns of hindrance.


There is a need to focus uponfreedom, bring freedom to your mind, emotions, spiritual practices,physical actions and all that you are and do. You can provideyourself with freedom by observing when you and others limit thecr​​eative flow that is your sacred essence within your Being. Thecreative flow of the Divine exists within everything that you areand do; it is therefore appropriate to observe how you limityourself in all areas of your reality and spiritualpractices.


From doubts and judgments to dreamsthat seem impossible and beliefs that run unnoticed through yourmind, allow yourself to observe with and through an UnconditionallyLoving heart chakra. It is also important to realise therestrictions that you may place upon others, remembering that eachrestriction and limitation you place upon another is placed uponyou as we are all One with and as the Creator.


“I am the freedom and expansion of mysoul and essence; I dissolve all limitations that distract me frommy recognition of the Creator within.”


This is a powerful affirmation to usewhen you realise a limitation that you or others have created foryourself. You may then call upon my energies, Archangel Metatron,to free and help you from the limitation, allow it to be resolvedand released from its attachment to you and your attachment to thelimitation.


This is also a beautiful practice ofdeveloping, recognising and expanding your essence; your innerpower. In order for the essence of your Being to be trulyexperienced in and as the physical form that you are upon theEarth, there is a need to create space, expansion and freedom forthe energy of creation to be present and a greater experience ofthe Creator to unfold.


With the conscious expansion of yourentire Being through familiarising yourself with the Creator -feeling, sensing, trusting in your inner essence or Creatorpresence, as well as clearing your energies of limitations - youcreate a canvas into which the creation energy of the Creator canseep, becoming truly visual and experienced within yourreality.


Begin to allow yourself in the comingweek to acknowledge, contemplate and register the vibration offreedom, expansion of your energy through observing and being withthe sacred energies within your Being as well as recognising thatyou can always experience a greater freedom in all aspects of yourreality.


Freedom doesn't mean that you relieveyourself of responsibilities, but it means that you create aroundyou and within you more space for the Divine to merge and bepresent, almost as if you are creating more space for you tobreathe freely and easily.


I ask that you use, repeat andfamiliarise yourself with the words I shared at the beginning of mycommunication, experience them wholly within your Being, energy andconsciousness, experience the energy and meaning of the words andthe journey that they may lead you upon.


Repeat them with the understandingand consciousness I have reminded you of as I have proceeded withmy communication, and allow yourself to know and sense the freedom,expansion and limitless existence that I speak of and that is yournatural existence and form.


I am with you in this most sacredprocess of Awakening.

Archangel Metatron Source:  http://omna.org


【傳導】NathalieGlasson 【翻譯】shan-athana

