2014年1月29日 星期三





Veronica and I are both happy and excited that we havemanaged to bring so many people together from all parts of theworld to restore the Divine Energy of Planet Earth. We are deeplygrateful to all who readily responded and expressed a wish to cometogether as one big family of light and love. We have chosen thedate: Sunday the 2 February 2014.


Weask that you gather at SUNRISE or at SUNSET: both, if at allpossible. Gather at the sacred places or choose to meditate. Useyour minds in whatever way you see fit, to bring about the releaseof energy. You do not even need to leave your bed, as your positivethoughts will add to the mass of energy needed.


Weare aware that sunrise and sunset occur at different times indifferent locations, but those are the most important times of theday in which to carry out this unique exercise. Veronica, and oneor two of her helpers, will go to GLASTONBURY in the west ofEn​​gland. She is praying for clement weather. Should there be anattempt to prevent you accessing these places, never mind, just benearby. You can use your minds, your consciousness, to achieve ouraims. Veronica is concerned that it has not been possible to replyto everyone.


Markwill make suggestions in his message today. ​​Every single one of youis important. Everyone can have an input. It does not cost youmoney, just your time. It is so wonderful to have so many countriesinvolved, all eager to take part. We have created a huge family oflike-minded people. This is a first. Let us ensure that this is amemorable event that transcends all barriers of language or creed.Together, we can bring about the changes your planet is crying outfor. You are the architects of the future. This event will enterhistorical folklore and will be recounted over and over again forgenerations to come. I cannot stipulate enough, the importance ofthis action.


Bejoyful as you come together. Create a massive vortex of energy, allaround you, with love and laughter filling the air, as you gatherin peace and harmony. This is but the first of many such events. Weintend these to be done at regular intervals henceforth . We willguide the way, always working together to create peace and justice,where sadly, none exists at this time. Let not age be a barrier, asyou are never too old or too young to create miracles, for this iswhat you are endeavouring to do on this day.


Iask that you now take time to read what Mark has painstakinglyprepared as your introduction to the great importance of ley lines.Welcome and embrace The Magician of the Ley. May he be with you toguide you and encourage an interest in these most sacred sites andthe ley lines that make them so. We in Spirit will join you on thisday of days, when you take it upon yourselves to rescue yourplanet, so that future generations can enjoy their lifetimes onEarth.


Together, we will make this happen. Both sides of lifeworking together as never before. To the wonderful people whowillingly give of their time to enable our endeavours to be enjoyedby all, please ensure that all countries know the date and time, sothat arrangements can be made to take part. Remember that togetheryou are powerful: you are the 99%, so you cannot be stopped. Youare the awakened.



Mydear, it will not be possible for you to write with me next Sunday,as you will be taking part in the Ley Lines recovery ceremony.Enjoy being with like-minded people.

My love will guide you, as always. Your adoring,Monty.

Website: The Montague KeenFoundation

譯者U2覺醒 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b9a886d70101i67y.html

