2013年11月26日 星期二


My dear friends, we love you so very much.


Celebrate! There isgreat light coming into your planet now. The veils between theheavens and earth are thinner, there is great opportunity formanifestation, healing, and stepping into an even deeper awarenessof who you really are. And yet, with great light always comes agreat stirring up of the darkness that has been dormant for quitesome time.


Think of it this way.Imagine you have moved into a very large and lovely old home. Inthis house, there is a room in your home that has been sealed offfor decades. The windows and curtains have been closed. Thecontents are shrouded in darkness and the dust and cobwebs havegathered. The air is stagnant and unmoving. Suddenly, you open thatdoor that has been shut for so long. You fling open the windows,draw back the curtains and allow fresh air and light to stream in.Suddenly there is a great influx of light, but along with it, astirring up of the dust, cobwebs, and stale air. As the new comesin, the old must go, and for a short time, you may cough, sneeze,and even say to yourself, “My goodness! What a mess!” However, whenthe dust settles, the light streams into the room and you have anopportunity to clean out the old, this room is filled with newlife, new hope, and perhaps even new decor that better suits thelife you are living now.


This is exactly whatis going on now upon your earth, in your lives, and in your veryconsciousness. The light was always there. The dark was alwaysthere. However right now, great light is penetrating the darkness,stirring everything up. Thus you see monumental storms upon yourplanet, in your lives, and in your hearts. You see people suddenlyacting out in ways that seem unthinkable. You feel, at times, anincredible sense of urgency to get things done. And yet, dear ones,our advice to you would be to relax, focus on the small simplepleasures of life, and let the dust settle! Allow the challenges inlife simply to be dealt with – without drama, without wonderingwhat you have done “wrong” (for indeed there is no wrong in ourbook, just lessons), and without adding to the chaos.


Choose, using thebeautiful gift of your free will, to say, “My goodness things arestirred up! People are stirred up! A great light must be rising upin the world and in my life. I will choose to be kind and loving tomyself, and to the best of my ability, to others as well. I willchoose to turn away from drama, and to embrace peace. I will handlethe things that require attention in my life, knowing that I havedone nothing wrong, and that at any moment I can turn my attentionto the light and away from the darkness.”


Let the dust settledear ones, and celebrate the influx of beautiful light, even amidstthe storms, the chaos, and the trials you are experiencing. Youare, after all, made of this very same light.


God Bless You! Welove you so very much. – The Angels


