2013年11月7日 星期四

大天使邁克20131104 當這一切結束,你會使自己驚訝

Are there others withyou, Michael?


Yes, Yeshua, Mary,all the Archangels, all of your guides… we are all involved in allof these messages. We always have been and wewill continue to be. We have used my name becausemore people respond to the messages when they can identify a sourcethat they know. And so, we will remain Michaelfor most of these. Know however that I speak forall.

謝謝  Thank you.


Let us move on to today'stopic. We will speak to the new energetic fieldin which you find yourselves and how it will evolve from here inthe near future. Some of this information hasbeen given, but we will restate it here to clarify.


You have now emergedfrom a rather significant day in which there was another solareclipse. This always brings modification of thefield, and yesterday was no exception. Think ofit as having shed another few pounds of baggage.


So you stand herenow, after many such events in the recent past, lighter, lessbogged down in your old stuff, more ready to move freely into thenew. But you feel a bit disoriented, do younot?


It is OK, dearones. You now need a tiny bit of time to orientyourselves and let it all soak in. You need tofeel your way into all this newness. There ismuch more still to come before the end of thisyear. What will this mean for you?


Quite probably youwill begin to do things, think things, and feel things which willsurprise yourselves. Certainly you will findyourselves feeling differently about yourselves. That has been where we have been heading allalong. You are becoming the newyou. You have been doing so. But now you will begin to see yourselves in a newlight. You will begin to recognize the 'real' youthat we have spoken of so often.


Have youchanged? Or has your perceptionchanged? Have you taken on newthings? Or have you let go of oldthings? Or is all of that true andmore? Well, the truth of it will be different foreach of you. But the outcome will be verysimilar.


You will amazeyourselves when this is all over. And then whatdo you suppose will happen? You will discoverthat it is not all over. You will continue tochange and amaze yourselves forever.


As we have spokenbefore, observe now the ways in which those changes spill over intoyour world. Observe the ways in which it builds,and always has built, your world. Everything hereon your planet depends on the relationship with you, everythingfrom your family and society up to the weather you live in andbeyond.


And so, dear ones, asyou change nothing can remain the same as it was,nothing. It simply is not possible for it to doso.


So soak up theseenergies we speak of so often. Receive them ingratitude. And build the new earth you want withthem. That is what they areabout. That is why you have come.


We love you. Weare with you in your every breath. We are in yourhearts. Visit us here often. Good day.


通靈:Ron Head  翻譯:Nick Chan

