2017年10月11日 星期三


以從真相進一步!有樂趣是一種高度的自我表現的振動手段。這是一個輕,現在,快樂,充滿感激的活動 - 所有開明的特質!有趣的笑聲也是一個非常有效的手段,有力的釋放和蛻變,只為你和地球服務。

There is a pervasive belief that having fun is frivolous or should come last in your life. Dear Ones, nothing could be further from the truth! Having fun is a high vibrational means of self expression. It is an activity that is light, present, joyful, and filled with gratitude – all enlightened traits! The laughter that comes with fun is also an incredibly efficient means of energetic release and transmutation, which only serves you and the planet.


Having fun is an underdeveloped skill in a great many enlightening human beings. We want you to understand it is safe for you to have fun, and to make it more of a priority in your lives. In fact, when you start to consider the energetic benefits, and how embracing it will bring you into greater balance and satisfaction in your lives while still allowing you to be of service, you will see why we highly recommend it. ~Archangel Gabriel


