2014年8月13日 星期三



If you took acontainer filled with fresh, rich soil and placed it outside andthen left it completely untended for months, when you went back tolook at it, it would have a wild assortment of things growing init. You would likely have lots of weeds, perhaps some grass, theodd wildflower, maybe even a sapling tree. It is unlikely that youwould be completely happy with the results of what has grown inyour planter because it had been left so undefined.


But let us supposethat you purposely planted an assortment of seeds that wouldproduce your favourite flowers. You tended the planter, making sureit had the water and sun it needed. You might get the odd weedpopping up, but because you know what you have planted, you canexcitedly look forward to the plants beginning to grow andbloom.


Sometimes the plantermight need tending. Other times it may need nothing other than timeto allow your seeds to expand and grow. You know that growthhappens behind the scenes (under the soil) before it pops into yourphysical awareness, so you patiently allow things to flow as isdivinely perfect. You know you have done all you can do from yourend, and you allow Source to do its part, as well.


This is an excellentexample of co-creation. You set your clear intention, planted theseeds and through your efforts, along with the support of the sunand elements, you will get a much more satisfying result thatmatches what you desire. Do you see? Clear, consistent intentionand effort allows the universe to respond in a clear, consistentway. It is simply up to you to decide what you wish to grow andexperience. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:NickChan  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102uyx9.html

