2021年1月16日 星期六



Practicing resistance on your enlightenment journey is actively denying the next steps your soul is calling you to take. This amounts to tending the soil, lovingly planting a seed, watering it with care, and then placing a stone slab over top of it. The seed may eventually work its way around the stone toward the light but wouldn’t it be easier and give a faster result if you allowed it to use all that energy to simply grow unimpeded and bloom? It is safe to trust in your own evolution and the wisdom of your soul, Dear Ones! Is it time for you to release any self imposed barriers and truly blossom into the beauty of your ever-evolving full potential? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



It takes a while to adjust fully into the energy of a new year. You often won’t get a true feel for the prevalent energies and supported traits of a year until you reach the spring equinox. You may find yourself clearing up old energies from the previous year in the first bit of any new year. This is perfectly normal and not an indicator that the new year will be more of the old. Every single year has its own unique energetic stamp.


So be gentle with yourselves. Feel into your truth. Trust the flow and your own intuition. Move with what is being supported and practice good self care. You are still shifting quite profoundly yourselves and that takes precedence over all other things. You are just getting started. There will be plenty of time to explore and discover what is now possible once you acclimate to the energies of 2021. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

