2020年10月24日 星期六


我回來了!謝謝所有想要確保我一切都很好的人。一切都很好,我只是在做一些事情,需要我全職和全神貫注。昨天,一條舊的日常消息又回到了我的意識中(感謝Milton Foster!),所以我認為這對於週四的“ Throwback”非常理想。剛從新聞媒體那裡收到的每日消息將在明天再次恢復。:)

I’m back! Thank you to all of you who wanted to make sure I was ok. Everything is fine, I just had some things going on that needed my full time and attention. Yesterday an old daily message came back into my awareness (thanks Milton Foster!), so I thought it would be perfect for a Throwback Thursday. Fresh off the press daily messages will resume again tomorrow. :)

當您希望表達自己想要的東西時,我們建議使用5 A:

When you are wishing to manifest something you desire, we recommend using the 5 A’s:


Ask – Asking the universe for help gives us permission to help you.


Accept – In order to receive you must be in an open state of acceptance. Be open to the myriad of ways the universe can serve and delight you.


Allow – Give the universe the time and space it needs to deliver to you in whatever way is divinely perfect.


Action – Be prepared to move when the signs and synchronicities point the way.


Appreciate – Your appreciation gives clear feedback to the universe and keeps you creating more of what is desired.


It does not need to be any more complicated than that! Move into the flow of abundance and have fun with creative process, Dear Ones. It is one of the greatest joys you will experience – the magic of co-creation with a universe that adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


