2021年2月25日 星期四



Dear Ones, your spiritual journey is not about reaching the top of the mountain. It is about finding your way back to your true, authentic self, right where you are. It is like an archeological dig that uncovers the treasure of your own beautiful, divine nature. There is immeasurable joy both within your soul, and throughout the universe, every time you make your way back to the truth of who you are, for it creates expansion for your own journey as well as providing the fuel that drives the shift on your planet. What a glorious system! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, what you yearn for is not there to make you uncomfortable. It is what creates connection points to your future. Your deepest hopes and desires are the calling cards of your soul. Honour where it is trying to take you. Those little sparks are the seeds of your dreams. If you have a dream that is always there, rather than ignoring it or trying to extinguish it, why not fan it by exploring it and allowing it to unfold into its fullest expression. The higher callings that beckon to you are how you truly wish to express yourself, and that will always hold great satisfaction and purpose for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

