2020年1月31日 星期五



Dear Ones, what we want you to understand is that when you embrace the unfoldment, you are activating the path of ease because you are choosing to move with what is fully supported for your highest good in your present moment. This is exactly how you shift out of efforting through unsupportive energies into harnessing the full blessings, guidance, and wisdom of the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Many of you will be experiencing a changing of service as you move forward into the energies of 2020 and beyond. This will be a reflection of the work you have done.


Think of a butterfly. When it emerges from the cocoon, because it is so completely transformed, how it navigates life and how it serves completely changes. And just like the butterfly, you get to drink the nectar and spread the pollen, simply serving the whole through your beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

