2016年10月26日 星期三



We speak so much of the importance of love. But what is love really? Why is it such a big deal?


Love is the sustenance of your soul. It is where you came from, and where you will always return. It is the great expander, healer, unifier, and connector. It is your reunion with Source energy, and how you express your own divinity . It is the constancy, the comfort, the safety, the acceptance you all yearn for.


When you come into the body to have a singular life experience, you perceive yourself as separate from the love of Source. The spiritual journey is about finding your way back into reunion with that love, and discovering that you are an individuated aspect of that love .

簡而言之,愛是你的真理,你的血統,你越多地擁抱這些事實,你的人生會越真實和令人滿意。因為每次你選擇愛,你在榮耀自己真正的目標,在最輝煌的方式中。~ 大天使加百利

Simply put, love is your truth, your lineage, and the more you embrace that fact about yourself, the more authentic and satisfying your life will become, for every single time you choose to love, you are honouring your true purpose in the most magnificent way. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wuki.html

