2013年10月30日 星期三









Do not ever forgetthat we, the Universe and everything act according to your verychoices. This is a fabulous week for planting the seeds germane towhat you want to achieve and selecting how you want to be in yourlife. Enjoy the gift of being creative. As such , evaluate yourchoices remembering that we support you in how you want to be andwhat you want to achieve. Do not forget that that your mind shouldbe clear with an eye to ensure the clearness of your intentions. Donot undermine your motivati​​on and high frequency by remaining inthe focus of your intentions. Your faith is very substantial. Thetransition has a sharp energy, so it's very substantial to remainbalanced and focused. Please have contact with plenty of water,spend time outdoors, speak with Us and if there are energies youare working on, continue to work with them on a regular basis. CallArchangel Raphael as often as you can, you allow Him to healeverything you know or you do not know that you believe to hinderyou. Treat yourself well. You are very special. When entering a newmonth, the doors for you are wide open; do not refuse if brilliantideas, new approaches and crazy dreams come to your mind. Thisweek, all your ideas that enlighten you like an illuminator aresupported. Prepare an action plan for yourself for your choicesincident to these events that will come out of to determine bywhich steps to proceed. This lets you go easily on your path. Makea list, keep a diary write the new ideas and dreams you desire toachieve and then realize them. My little ones, you will be amazedto see how you take thousands of steps only by one singlestep.

伴隨著愛與光  With Love andLight.

大天使加百利  ArchangelGabriel

大天使烏列爾  ArchangelUriel


通靈:Gulcin Onel (MavininSesi)  翻譯:Nick Chan

轉自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60101e4ih.html

