2021年9月5日 星期日
Dear Ones, the time for denying yourself – denying your good, denying your truth, denying your growth, denying your own spark of divinity, denying your inherent worthiness – is long over. It is a habit that serves no one. Hear us when we say you can accept your truth and still be humble. You will continue to grow and evolve, learn and experience. You will just do it with far more flow and ease when you put down the habit of being in resistance to yourself and your truth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, if you won’t acknowledge your own truth, how on earth can you expect others to be able to? Acknowledging your truth won’t result in you falling into ego, or separation, because the truth of your being isn’t aligned with those traits. Your truth is authentic, it is real, and it allows you to express even more of the love and contribution to the whole you are, and everyone wins when you embrace that space of beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young