2015年2月11日 星期三
Many of you, afteryears of disappointment and hurt, see relationships as being hard,frustrating and exhausting. Hear us when we say that yourrelationships do not need to be this way.
The most valuablething you can do to shift your relationships into something thathonours and uplifts all involved, is to make self love a priority.All great changes begin within, and having an unconditionallyloving, supportive and accepting relationship with yourself is thebest way to shift out of the unfulfilling pattern you've beenin.
Once you've shored upyour self love and acceptance, look for relationships that supportyou in being your best, most shining you. Does this relationshipgive you the freedom to follow your passions and thrive? Make sureyour new partner has a matching level of integrity to yours – in the long run, differing levels of integritywill make a relationship unsustainable.
Choose your newpartner based on the reality of how they behave right now, nottheir potential. Many loving souls get drawn into relationships tobe of service, to rescue another, which, of course, is not a true,mutually supportive partnership, at all. Can you really accept thisperson as they really are? Does this relationship foster the growthand expansion of both people? Because if growth stops in eitherperson, the relationship will no longer serve a purpose.
Dear Ones, it is time to let yourlove relationships reflect the balance, unconditional love,support, honour, acceptance and unity consciousness you've beenworking so hard to move into yourself. If you do, you will findthem to be the truly satisfying experience you always knew theycould be. ~Archangel Gabriel